''本店台柱'', ''紅牌舞星''的英文要怎麼翻譯才對?a咖 ''本店台柱'', ''紅牌舞星''的英文要怎麼翻譯才對? 如題''本店台柱'' 或是類似 ''店裡的紅牌舞星'' 反正就是 本店的 A 咖那樣的意思的英文 怎麼說? 希望是真的老外可以懂得感激
''本店台柱'' 或是類似 ''店裡的紅牌舞星'' 反正就是 本店的 A 咖>> you can always say- she's the lead singer, lead actor, lead comedian, lead guitarist, lead character, etc., in the club.or you cansay - she's Diva(or, queen bee)of the club.or she's the "main attraction" or the "headliner" of the club.or she's the "star attraction" or the "big star" (of the show, of the club,etc)以上都可以通用是本店的紅牌PS: 但Prima Donna 現在的用法偏於負面且帶有被寵壞的意思所以得看場合使用(If someone is referred to as a prima donna, that means they are spoiled, pampered, and always try to get their way.) 參考資料 我問老外的, 不是我瞎掰的
Prima donna

英文歌,英文名字,英文翻譯,英文自我介紹,英文自傳,英文字典,英文單字,英文諺語,英文髒話,學英文英文,Prima Donna,台柱,referred to as,舞星,紅牌,翻譯,actor,comedian,guitarist


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1509030411407 a咖


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